Hair Care vs. Money for style—a real hairstylist should…

The more I grow and learn in my career is the more I come across the people who give this profession a “bad name”. Beauty is my passion, so its not just a job for me, in fact I quit my job to focus on this career. There are many facets to this profession, you have to have the obvious: style, pizazz, talent but you also need a good education, professionalism and a mindset that you will always be a student as everyday you learn. Trends come and go, technology evolves and the science of beauty expands

No, I didn’t choose this profession because I was a slow learner at school and no we didn’t just make faces at cosmetology school, we had books and sat exams. Some people failed, some people passed, some people dropped out just like any other school. Therefore the same way you wouldn’t want a doctor who failed med school to diagnose you, its the same way you shouldn’t want a beauty school failure to care for your hair or skin.

Beauty is more than meets the eye, which is why I don’t subscribe to the idea that a Hairdresser should have you leaving the salon looking great ONLY. No its more than that, this profession isn’t about money for style. Its serious business, its the business of health.

How many times have you sat in a salon and look at a woman take off a weave to reveal damaged hair?? and then

Money for style 😦

you are like “oh no, she  a hot mess” Or you peek inside a someones scalp to see mounting flakes on the scalp. We need to wise up, Beauty is being healthy, we need to focus on the health of our hair than style only…. learn

what a real stylist should do, FIND ONE & stick the regimen he or she sets to become a more beautiful, healthier you.

A real


stylist should…..



woman removes weave to reveal this, money for style client 😦

especially a chemical service!

DISPLAY skill, experience & education (license, certification, workshop participations, trade shows etc)

POSSESS a pleasing personality , enthusiasm, the ability to listen, knowledge of a variety of products as well as style trends

UNDERSTAND particular hair types

PERFORM  consultation & make recommendations

UNDERSTAND that care of the hair & care of the scalp skin, & body may appear separate, but are actually

intertwined because hair grows from beneath the skin

Your hairstylist is almost your new spouse. You want to make sure you are creating a healthy relationship that helps you to become a better you. Beware of potential fatal attractions. After all, you are spending y

our hard earned money.

Are u getting hair care or are u swapping money for style???

One luv, Malibu

Professional appyling relaxer







Invisible part weave – trend, tragedy or both?!


I have to let you all know that I am now doing the trendy invisible part weaves.

Invisible part weaves is a technique in weaving that creates a natural looking part with your scalp (full head sewn or bonded). But guess what?! all of your hair is braided!..yes every strand, nothing left out. This creation is good, if you want a weave to look natural, but your  hair color or texture does not match the weave hair you would like to use, or any other reason you may have. It can be done in any color, even if your hair is black and you want to wear blonde hair with a part, thanks to the invsiible part technique it it possible. So for all u weavalicious ladies, there is no longer a limit on the type of hair, or hair color weave you would like to use……

glue track..not invisible & natural looking


BUT…there is a big BUT,…it is suppose to be invisible and this trend need to done right and I SEE A LOT OF DIVAS WALKING AROUND WITH GLUE TRACKS instead of INVISIBLE PARTS.

Here goes,

1. thin wefts on synthetic hair especially the straighter synthetics get tacky with glue, so the glue seeps thru when close together creating a wad of dried up glue on the scalp..not invisible!!

2. the curlier the hair the better & the deeper the part the better to create opticial illusion or make it look…invisible!!


Personally I like this technique if you have natural hair and would like to switch your look, and I prefer it sewn in with human hair or curly synthetics. I would not recommend it to those of you with relaxed hair as the glue at the part so close to roots may cause hair loss if removed poorly.I ALWAYS go for healthy hair first, not money for style,  I Specialize in Hair Care.

I know some Jamaican ladies have  a way to take a trend and turn into a fashion crime but dont be follower, lead! Dont wreck the trend, rock it

I have included snapshots of some of the not so invisible parts, so you all can see what NOT to wear

I hidden camera this one ;), i dont need to tell u why not to wear, just dont!



One Love




Facing a Facial>>>why u should get monthly facials

a mask application in spa facial treatment


I recommend monthly facials to everyone, male and female if you want to have healthy clear skin as in our daily lives we do not stick to a skin care regimen, the same way we dont often stick to a healthy diet.

Not only do I often hear from people that they think facials are unnecessary and a waste of money I also hear “facials just make me break-out”, these things are from people who dont get beauty treatments anyway or they have had a bad experience, dont listen to nay-sayers, get the facts!

As the name implies, a facial is skin treatment for the face, though you may be lucky and get some neck or shoulder massage too. There are a variety of types of facials, different types of products used, and there can be some variation in length. The typical extensive facial generally lasts about an hour or even longer, and other treatments called “mini-facials” may only take about 15-30 minutes

Essentially this is what you look forward to when you come in for a facial

  • The skin will be thoroughly (deep pore) cleansed and dead skin cells will be exfoliated.
  • The aesthetician will likely evaluate your skin type and find treatments that will best tone and moisturize that type.
  • You will have extraction of blackheads & whiteheads.
  • You will likely have a skin mask treatment. You may have some degree of facial massage with applications of various creams and moisturizers
  • You may have specialized treatments if you have specific skin conditions, like a peel, microdermabrasion, etc

Will your skin look absolutely terrific right after a facial? To be quite honest sometimes it actually may be a little irritated and red especially if you had extraction, pr what was below the skins surface may come through. You shouldn’t plan to have a facial within a few days of major events where you want to look your best like say the day of or the day before your wedding, or a big party. Consultations are also very important so tell the aesthetician every known allergy & every product & medication you are using prior to the facial so you dont have prolonged adverse reactions

Bottom Line is Facials are great for rejuvenation and relaxation.  Facials will help improve the health and appearance of your skin especially if you get facials on a regular basis; you can’t expect big changes to your skin if you get facials once a year.  After a facial your skin will look brighter and healthier.  Additionally your skin will feel softer. 

The relaxation portion of the facial does nothing but benefit your skin and your overall mental and physical health.  The stress of our hectic daily lives shows up in our skin so taking an hour to relax and be pampered will help you out both physically and emotionally.  Massage is a big part of a professional facial.  Massage will help you to relax and will also reduce the stress hormone cortisol  in your body.  If cortisol is left to run in the body it will only hurt you over time, and additionally massage releases oxytocinwhich is one of the body’s feel good hormones. 

Next thing, estheticians have available to them a wide variety of skincare products that are  professional only products and how estheticians know how to use these products properly.  Finding the right skincare products is terribly confusing and expensive. There are hundreds of products in the pharmacy.  Getting a professional facial cuts down on that mystery.  After cleansing your face the esthetician will analyze your skin and then customize the products she or he uses during the facial according to what they have seen while analyzing your skin.  Without the training and knowledge of a licensed esthetician finding the right products for your skin can just be a downright futile endeavor. I not only use great products on your skin during the facial, but I  also recommend the right products for your skin type for home use helping to eliminate any confusion.  I consider a discussion home care regimes with my clients a HUGE  and important part of my job.   If you don’t maintain a proper home care skincare regime the positive effects of your facial are pretty much for nothing (except for the relaxation part).

So go get a professional facial in order to relax, rejuvenate, to have your skin thoroughly cleaned and exfoliated, to receive expert advice about what is happening with your skin, and in order to receive home care product recommendations

Yes, for many people facials are definitely a luxury because of the money and time spent receiving them, but think about the importance of that “me” time.   Never under-estimate the power of a little rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation in this tuff world

One Luv

