Design Essentials Strengthening Therapy System – revolution in black hair care!

Are you naturally curly and prefer to wear straight, frizz free hair? Are you transitioning from relaxed to natural? Do you want the relaxer look, without the potential damage? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I’m happy to share the NEW Strengthening Therapy System by Design Essentials.

For those of you that know me, you already know my love affair with HEALTHY hair. For those of you that don’t well, i’m extremely passionate about my work, health and educating clients. I “rep” for quality products which is why I just had to bring this quality system to my salon station.



Design Essentials S.T.S ( Strengthening Therapy System) is truly state of the art.It’s an amino-acid infused Thermal Reconditioning System that goes beyond strength to straighten, stretch and smooth, frizzy, naturally curly, multi-textured, transitioning and chemically treated hair for up to 12 weeks.



Design Essentials Strengthening Therapy System is neither a relaxer system nor a keratin system. Unlike Keratin systems, Strengthening Therapy is truly Formaldehyde Free. It is an Amino-Acid based system that tames, smoothes and elongates curls for a lasting, yet non-permanent effect (up to 12 weeks).

The Design Essentials STS is NOT a chemical, but a protein based treatment that does not contain any harsh or permanent chemicals. Unlike chemical based products, Strengthening Therapy System does not break nor rearrange the bonds. In contrast, it fills the hair fiber with micro-fine amino acids, resulting in the stretching or elongation of the hair strand, while providing maximum strengthening to the hair. Strengthening Therapy System is actually one of the safest and most effective amino-acid infused thermal reconditioning systems on the market. It is even gentle enough to be used on a child without damage or harm to the child or her hair

Some may ask if amino acids aren’t protein which is similar to the keratin treatment, well yes they are BUT Silk amino acids are silk proteins broken down into small enough units to be beneficial to your hair.

Your hair will love silk amino acids because they’re so moisturizing and protect against heat damage. This is such a wonderful revelation for black women’s hair.

So lets break it down:

Who should try STS?

I recommend it for anyone who is frustrated transitioning from relaxed to natural; clients who are natural and are seeking manageability and curl definition especially mixed girls; and clients whose hair is weakened or chemically altered (relaxed,permanent colored, etc) and are experiencing breakage.

What are the products like?

The System is divided into four products which focus on strengthening the hair while yielding straight, silky, smooth results without permanent chemical alteration. These four products include: Cleansing Sulfate Free Shampoo, Transitioning Mousse, Elongation Mousse and Silkening Spray.

How long does it last?

You will see up to 12 weeks of results of visibly stronger, healthier, more manageabile hair that is silky smooth, perfectly curled and frizz free


I’m really excited about this revolution in black hair care, feel free to ask me more about it and to make your appointment to have it done. It is a salon-exclusive treatment and should ONLY be done by a DE certified stylist.

Fall in love with your hair

One Love 😉


Stretching Relaxer Time For Healthier Hair


Relaxed Hair

A lot of women relax their hair religiously every 6 weeks. Most hair stylist recommends that relaxers be retouched every 4-6 weeks, EVEN i do but in some instances your hair’s condition may require a healthy ‘stretch’ which may take you to at least 10-12 weeks.

Here’s why:

Stretching your relaxer has many benefits such as length retention and hair thickness. Hair can be significantly weakened by overlapping applications of chemical hair relaxers, leading to brittleness, breakage, hair loss, thinning and scalp irritation. The purpose of a relaxer touch-up is to straighten the new growth. With the growth rate of hair being an average of ½ inch every month, you’re bound to overlap your new relaxer on already relaxed hair.


UN-treated hair that needs a touch-up WILL lead to damage

Now its important to note that stretching your relaxer does NOT mean ignoring your hair; like so many ladies like to do when its time for a touch-up. When stretching relaxers, hair should always be moisturized. It is important to deep condition your hair weekly, this will contribute to softness of your new growth. New growth is the strongest part of your hair so the weakest portion, which is the ends need the most attention. Often times, hair begin to break when it’s stretch. This is due to the delicate nature of the relaxed hair. Sometimes when the new growth meets the demarcation line (the line defining the boundary between the new growth and relax hair) the relaxed hair tends to break off because it’s not as strong. A good remedy for this would be the use of monthly protein treatments. Hair is primarily made up of a protein called keratin. When hair is relaxed the keratin bonds are broken to straighten the hair. Protein treatments help to restore the strength of the hair strand. Protein needs to be balanced with moisture, because too much protein will eventually dry out your hair. So it is imperative that you get professional treatments while stretching your relaxer.


twist rods gives a curly look that hides new growth. A style option when stretching relaxer

It is also important to reduce manipulation of your hair while stretching your relaxed hair especially in the latter weeks. Some styles you can wear to prevent breakage are sew in weaves, braids, buns, the twist and curl, braid-outs and roller sets. Remember ALSO that mild shampoos are best for relaxed hair. Shampoos that contain sulfates tend to dry out relaxed hair. All this while still maintaining the nightly routine of wrapping your up will result in positive hair benefits

 So MY PRO TIP is: try increasing your stretch a week more each time. Stretching your relaxer is a great way to maintain healthy relaxed hair. Simply try it…your hair will love you for it!

One Love,

Malibu 😉

Olive Oil Kit Relaxer – Product Review


Olive Oil Box Relaxer

Now before I review this product, I am going to inform about what a box relaxer is because relaxing your hair is a chemical service and you SHOULD get it done by a licensed professional. AND, if you must do it yourself for cost reasons,,, its best you get the best value for you buck!

No-lye relaxers are the box kits you find in the stores which you should only buy on as “is abolutely necessary” basis. NOT every 6weeks. No-lye relaxers leave mineral deposits on your hair which prevents your hair from absorbing much needed moisture. Lack of moisture equals dry hair, a dull hair color and dry hair leads to breakage. And what does breakage lead too?

Well I don’t need to tell you that. Just look at the crown of some women on the street with relaxed hair heads, on maybe even your own hair or lack there of.

Not only does No-lye relaxers cause hair loss and breakage, but it also straightens your hair to the point were your follicles no longer have it’s elasticity at all. And one pulling of the strand causes your hair to break off.

Don’t be deterred though, I know we are all facing hard times in this recession, so if you ever have to run to the store to get a kit relaxer as a pro I suggest you DO NOT BUY THIS ONE:

There is one PRO: The best thing in this kit is the Replenishing Pak! It works!

CONS – – As for all else : The relaxer dries the hair out, which is due to the Calcium Hydroxide in it. The ORS Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo is suppose to neutralize. I agree it does to an extent and is chelating, which removes the calcium deposits BUT it has ALS and SLS which strips your hair, hence that natural hair colour change you get from repeated use of kit relaxers.

So, the point is even if you are experienced with using kits, relaxing your own hair, proceed cautiously and don’t be afraid to do additional research or ask someone else to assist you with the actual process. Knowledge, preparation and due caution can be the one thing that stands between you and going bald!

So I gave you some knowledge, Olive Oil may just work for you, its my review, feel free to comment and give your own review

One Love

Malibu 😉

Even if you don’t see the effects of your box kit No-lye Relaxed now, you will eventually see the affects as one of my clients years down the road when your hair has no porosity at all. Your hair will become completely dry and brittle and no longer able to retain moisture.

Fact or is it Fiction?? – Popular black hair myths

You’ve probably heard all sorts of “hair myths” growing up especially as a little black girl. It’s no secret that healthy hair is very important to me. Through the years I’ve educated myself on how to achieve healthier hair. So, i’m going to share what my education has proven to be fact or fiction. Why? Well, many Black women spend hours of our time in salons and devote much of our hard earned money to hair products in the pursuit of fabulous hair. And many Black hair care myths have been passed down from generation to generation- from our grandmothers to our mothers to us.

I’m sure you’ve heard or maybe even said things like “oiling your scalp will make your hair grow longer,” as well as “prenatal vitamins make your hair grow faster.” If you ask most Black women about their hair care regimen, there’s always someone that will swear by at least one Black hair care myth. But how do you separate fact from fiction?

Well, here’s a compilation of 10 common black hair care myths, i’ve separated fact from fiction. What are they?

Here it goes!

MYTH # 1: Trimming your ends will make your hair grow
FICTION!!!! : Trimming your hair will not make your hair grow. Furthermore, trimming your hair does nothing but make it grow “fuller” and “healthier”. Dont get it twisted, trimming your is NECESSARY but, it doesn’t make another strand of hair shoot out of your scalp like grass. Hair grows on average 1/4 inch a month. So if you want your hair to grow, trim your ends on an “as needed” basis. And if you are taking care of your hair correctly, you will rarely need to trim your hair.

MYTH #2: Washing your hair more than once a week will dry it out.
FICTION!!!! : This is something I’ve heard quite often. But it is totally false. Washing your hair more than once a week does not dry it out. Water is actually a moisturizer and does not dry hair out. Furthermore, if you’re using hair products with ingredients like (mineral oil, petroleum, and alcohol), then you should try to wash your hair at least once a week. One of the major things that stunts hair growth and damages hair is product build up. And this is easily prevented when we wash our hair. So head to the gym, its ok to break a sweat ladies! What you need to do is wash your hair with correct shampoo.

MYTH #3: Braids and weaves can cause hair loss
FACT!!!! : A recent article in The Grio touched on this and it also touched a nerve with many Black women that didn’t want to accept that things like braids and weaves were damaging their hair and even causing hair loss (alopecia). The truth is that braids and weave pull on your hair strands. And continuous hair pulling for extended periods of time can in fact lead to hair loss- sometimes reversible and sometimes non-reversible. So if you like to wear weaves/braids, or if you use them for “protective styling, just make sure the style isn’t too tight and make sure you give your hair scalp a rest by alternating braided styles with loose ones every few weeks.

MYTH #4: Greasing/Oiling your hair/scalp will help hair growth
FACT & FICTION!!!! : The answer is two-fold. We all need keep our hair moisturized to prevent dryness and breakage. And technically grease can provide that by locking in moisture. However, most products that contain “grease” (which is basically mineral oil or petroleum) are too heavy and will actually clog pores, cause build-up, and ultimately do more bad than good. So I avoid most products that contain mineral oil and petroleum jelly. There are way better options. For instance, I use light spray and water based moisturizers to protect my hair and promote growth.

MYTH #5: Wearing a satin/silk scarf/sleeping on a satin pillowcase protects your hair
FACT!!!! : This is very true! Satin and silk scarfs/pillowcases reduce friction on hair, and because of this, prevent split ends and hair breakage. And if you like wearing hats, particularly if you live somewhere with seasonal changes i.e// the winter, it’s also wise to wear hats with a satin/silk scarf inner lining to avoid hair breakage.

MYTH #6: Brushing your hair daily will make the hair grow
FICTION!!!! : Black women do not need to brush our hair to make it grow. Furthermore, brushing can actually be very damaging because it causes friction and damages to your hair shaft and cuticle. So toss your brushes- you really don’t need them. Think about it– how often do women with sisterlocks, dreadlocks, and afros brush their hair? Never. And they are able to grow very long hair.

MYTH #7: Black hair is the weakest hair
FACT!!!! : One of the major characteristics that distinguish Black hair from other races is our tight curl pattern. And scientific research has shown that this tighter curl pattern actually makes our hair drier and weaker. The tighter the curl pattern, the drier and weaker the hair will be.

MYTH #8: Prenatal vitamins make hair grow faster

FICTION!!!! : Vitamins are important for hair growth. And prenatal vitamins do have a nice, elevated mix of certain nutrients that promote hair growth. So if a non-preganant woman is not already taking any mutlivitamin/supplemement, taking a prenatal vitamin is better than no vitamin at all. Yes, prenetal vitaimins will help with hair growth. And there are some non-pregnant women who have taken prenatal vitamins and reported an increase in hair growth. But there is nothing in the medical literature to support that prenatal vitamins make hair grow faster. And it should also be noted that in the case of pregnant women, increased hair and nail growth are due to hormonal changes- NOT prenatal vitamins.

MYTH #9: Black hair grows slower than other races
FICTION!!!! : All hair (regardless of race) grows at approximately ½ per month. The reason why Black hair appears to grow slower is a combination of 1. Natural hair “appearing” shorter due to its curly, unstretched nature, as well as 2. Increased breakage that occurs with Black hair that isn’t properly taken care of.

MYTH #10: Natural Hair Is Hard to Manage
FICTION!!!! : Natural hair will be hard to manage if you attempt to treat it like relaxed hair. The truth is many Black women have never learned how to care for or style natural hair because all they’ve known is relaxed hair. Also we are bombarded with negative ideas about our hair in the media and more. Many women had their hair relaxed at an early age and don’t know anything else. Natural hair is not “harder” to manage. It just requires patience and “re-learning.”

Hope this list was helpful AND CHANGED your outlook on your hair. There are many more, Who Knows, i may just have to post some more

One Love

Malibu 😉